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RP (Real Passive)

Electronic sculpture. Metal / wood/ multi-channel video. Technique: increased reality .

Programming: Esteban de la Monja.

Photo: Dalia Huerta Cano.

Text: Theodore Muixi.


Fernando Almonacid.

Is 42 and lives in Osorno, Chile. He owns a business outside a supermarket, they sell cigarettes, manufactures and sells copies of keys fishing items, including a variety of knives. In his spare time is where martial arts teacher known for its mysticism.
In January 2009, after completing his day's work in her shop closes inside determined to "transcend." To do this choose a knife "style samurai" and nail it repeatedly in his stomach, falling into a state of agony on the floor for several hours.
In the morning, seeing that his attempt to reach the significance has not materialized, making the same knife and begins to sink into his neck trying to reach the jugular vein. At that time the phone rings. Her mother is worried she will not get home to see what calls his workplace. Fernando, overcomes his attempts importance to the need to answer the phone with some of the knife stuck between the vein and the vocal cords. No prizes for guessing that the mother must have found it strange voice that challenges the child ending the ceremony started and for many hours.
Fernando was taken to a private psychiatric clinic where he was given electric shocks and various drug treatments. Declared his schizophrenia, rather than treatable is controllable. Remains until today in a public hospital.
I do not even visit his mother because, she says, can not bear to see his son in those terms. Fernando made crafts with inscriptions and symbols that only he understands, talk with your mouth dry and languid eyes the possibility of transcendence.
He lives in a kind of anonymity because doctors and nurses call him by his name. You can go to visit, but no one does.

Roberto Morel Gomez.

She is 52 years old and lives in Santiago, Chile. Comes from a middle class family. From his childhood he felt more at grade with children from other neighborhoods, children who came from a lower socioeconomic status, stealing and doing all sorts of misdeeds, it was a game. What follows from this story is known, rehabilitation centers, juvenile detention centers and eventually prison.
His first adult prison was 18 years in the city of Valparaiso, where he spent 2 years. Here he realized that the codes of the underworld, the closure and overcrowding were not the same street, or those who were supposed to be inside a prison compound. It took time adjusting, but something attracted him deeply.
Once outside, felt the need to return to prison. Inside, was accompanied by his peers and was never visited. Outside he was an outsider and disorientated, their codes were different: it was free.
In the crime followed the path that was to follow: penitentiary in Santiago, Concepción and Valparaíso again where it takes 15 years. In his years in prison have only gone to see family on 4 occasions, no one else. His family is "game with him," is not the family who will visit 4 times per year, are the people who share the same code in guarded walls, codes that are never going to understand.
Paulo only exists within the criminal grounds, is not nobody out.

Cathode ray tube (CRT).

Display device that is commonly used in televisions. It consists of an electron gun that shoots consistently against a phosphor-coated screen to form a point, which move at high speed to generate images. From the above it follows that what one sees on television is not an image but the result of a point that moves us feel - as our eyes are "slow" - of seeing an image.
The images contained in such devices as television began to broadcast from the 1920's, gradually crowded late 1950. Since then begins a new era of reality where the role of television going to play a role. The scenes shown on television around the world are taken as truth. It is this point that moves fast and controlled manner that begins to make history and change the way we understand reality as such. The moon landing is a clear example. Few people who question this fact, and even more, there is very little "tele-hearing" to ignore this question. In the same way, the advertising makes use of this phenomenon by persuading millions of people throughout the history of the virtues of their products. The policy makes a point apart. There are economic reasons for the complete chain acquired television signal, and do not pretend here to be the discoverer of a truth as known, is rather to highlight the TV, and even more so at this point generated by electrons moving from controlled manner, as a matter of truth.

Fernando Almonacid, Roberto Gómez Morel and cathode ray tube.

These three "elements" have something in common. Undoubtedly meet in person the first two is almost impossible, but they exist in a way so imaginary as the image in a phosphor screen. Are the three as real as liberty and as real as the prison to undergo or are undergoing. The prisoner and the insane do not exist, they are beings marginalized by a strange phenomenon as the beat of the electrons but as well known as television.

Reality television are passive are the ones who build a cell, an apparent cell, a virtual cell, a person who appears to be able to leave at any time.
Our relationship with television, even though this is already being replaced by plasma, LCD, LED or DLP is so powerful it is capable of generating virtual spaces to build "real" ready for the viewer.

"Freedom is not the problem, the way out ist" (Franz Kafka, Letters).


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Nicolas Spencer

Nicolas Spencer

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Nicolas Spencer

Nicolas Spencer

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